lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

First April week

This week we are still hungover from last Friday...
On Tuesday we continued doing the practice from de last week, we did exercises about linking word and changing the meaning of the phrases using the correct connectors. We did this via internet in some webs and in a handouts too.

On Wednesday the teacher continued explaining the theory unit 3 and we ended it. The last part of the unit 3 was one text for reading and comprehension about the marketing and the teenagers. After that we had to find many synonyms in the text and answer some true or false statements.

Paellas week and weekend in Madrid!

This is a very special week for the EPSA students, maybe this is the most special week.
In the practice class on Tuesday we did exercises of linking words with connectors, express cause and effect and contrast. We did that in some web pages. We read a text for reading and comprehension too.

In the theory class on Wednesday we corrected the homework from last week and listened several speeches from different companies.

The paellas had to be thursday but was postponed by rain to friday. Paellas is the main festival for all the EPSA members, it also are known like a Pumpkin festival, I don't know why...
The paellas consists in each class makes its paella for lunch and all the members of the class wear the same t-shirt with a joke or a funny phrase printed on it. The paellas are celebrated in the parking of the university and this year the festival started at ten o'clock and finished at eight o'clock. Paellas are my favorite festival!

This week my team and I won the paellas cup from the futsal competition! It was great and we had to receive the cup the paellas day.

After paellas I had to go to Madrid by train to be with the family business at the fair of Madrid related with pastry and confectionery and accessories. Here you have some photos from paellas and the fair of Madrid:

Another week!

Hello!! This is the summary of the week 14/03/11 to 20/03/11:
In the tuesday practice class we did exercises of reading and listening about the new technologies and the wearable computers. In the second part of the class we had to get in groups and try to invent or imagine a future invent related with the wearable computers. It was a bit difficult for us!

In the wednesday theory class we started the unit 3 called business. We have to answer some questions from texts about brands and brands names. We also learnt vocabulary and specific words related with business and jobs.

Sixth week of class!!

Hello mates!! In the practice class of this week we did the classroom practice number 4. To begin we talk about how laptops work, the emerging technology and wearable computers and also we saw a video about wearable computers from the web page After that we continue with the second part of the fourth practice, in this part  we learnt about modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, ought to,  shall, should, will and would) and their forms and uses.

  In the theory class of wednesday we finish the unit 2: Computers. The last part of this unit is about future trends, nanotechnology, nanobots and nanocomputers. After we continue doing exercises about prefixes and suffixes and finally we learnt how to differentiate the verbs do & make. These verbs are very often confused, theirs meanings are similar but there are differences.

Fifth week and carnaval in Jijona!

Hi bloggers!! Here are the things what we have done during this week:
On Tuesday in the practice class we did the last practice about oral presentations, we finished the units four and five, their titles were "The right kind of language" and "Visual aids". We did exercices of communicative functions: transport and travel, with exercices of questions, complete sentences, listening and speaking from web pages.

In the theoric class on wednesday morning we continue with the unit 2 "Computers" doing some different kinds of exercises about vocabulary  related with computers and informatic or electronic terms.

This weekend was the carnival in my town, Jijona, and I was disguising as a harlequin. I really like this kind of events that people dress up and go out.